the best band of all time

|||||||||||ROYAL HEADACHE||||||||||||||||

outlook for 2011

You know what? I think 2011 is going to be an awesome year—I can feel it. Are you with me?

Ink and watercolour on paper, 8x10 inches. www.marc


hi lil jungle room. (missed ya) ill be seein you real soon. cant wait. xox
hey so below are all potraits of people i think about so much. sometimes i even wake up in the middle of the night an lie there thinking about them an how i can be a better friend to them. so weird. im obsessed with you guys. and now its out in the open.

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chain gang

SEE ABOVE SOME PIX FROM my shrine i put into the chain gang gang exhibition... met some really nicee people but apparently the thing got shut down by the police hahahah. why dont they let cool things happen in canberra its soooooooooo mean!!!

study in figs

a figurative study

marykatei love you

if your in the capital territory come to this i am actually gonna attempt to put in some work AND YOU MAY BE THE MAIN SUBJECT OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YA NEVER KNOW

these are some pix i have collected on my comp. x