just finished filming for ready steady coooooooooooook

bye bye lil room.. so sad im moving again! ahhh

Rainbow Gathering


When I saw these images, captured by Benoit Paillé at three Rainbow Gatherings, it reminded me why I love the Rainbow Serpent Festival so much.

Benoit reminds us what Rainbow Gatherings are all about:

Rainbow Gatherings are temporary intentional communities, typically held in outdoor settings, and espousing and practicing ideals of peace, love, harmony, freedom and community, as a consciously expressed alternative to mainstream popular culture, consumerism, capitalism and mass media.

The feeling that goes along with being in a space like this is incredible. How often do you gather with thousands of people where there are no expectations apart from love and respect, everyone smiles at each other and people pick up other people’s rubbish on the ground? If you are in need of something, whether it be a meal, company, help putting up your tent, or just a hug, then people rush to give you what you need. Children run around freely all hours of the day and night without any fear of danger, and you can dance or dress in any way that makes you feel good. And it’s not about drugs – you can choose to take drugs or not – what ever you choose is ok and you are respected for your choice.

for more go here http://www.behance.net/gallery/Rainbow-Gathering/1193675

let’s just be fabulously where we are and who we are. you be you and i’ll be me, today and today and today, and let’s trust the future to tomorrow. let the stars keep track of us. let us ride our own orbits and trust that they will meet. may our reunion be not a finding but a sweet collision of destinies.

‘love, stargirl’ by jerry spinelli

so sooo lonely i feel as if i might die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

one of my fave places to go has been leahs house in the mountains... so many memories of being slightly giddy from alcohol and the coldness mixed with the warmth of the fire and the excitement of being with friends always lots of food an guitar hero an night walks in the bush. its also where i fell in love sighhhhhhh but thats all over now. havent been back since so i went out to make some new memories.. i took my giant tree i built for my graduation show a few years ago an we burnt it. it looked so cool!!!! then we made focaccia.

simple isnt it.

i can spend hours an hours trawling through peoples tumblr's.. yesterday i found a new fave http://bippityboppityboo.tumblr.com/
hope you enjoy some of these pics as much as me.. reoccuring themes.. dogs (yes i want one sooo badly to cuddle at night!! and be happy to see me when icome home from work), affection and love.. and the country.... ohh take me back to the country!!!!!!!!