oh my be mine

shelving as room divider. a "szokásos" térelválasztó polc ötlet.

the circle on the wall is actually a conical asian hat. i like the use of wood in the bathroom.
a "pötty" a falon valójában egy ázsiai kalap... tetszik a sok fa a fürdőszobában.

the door is covered with birch bark. it's nice!
tetszik, hogy az ajtó igazi nyírfahánccsal van borítva.

the building that's hiding down there is the main house.
ott lent az a főépület.

main house kitchen with a view. konyha kilátással (főépület).

main house dining area... big rocks inside as well as outside.
étkező (főépület)... sziklák kint és bent.

what used to be home/studio to american modern designer russel wright
(he called the estate manitoga), is now the russel wright design center.
it's in garrison, ny, and you can even visit it for a house tour.
it's actually composed of two buildings... the upper one being the studio
with the lower, bigger one being the main house.
photos of the studio scanned by me from the april 2012 issue of
the world of interiors. photography by simon upton.
last two pics via dwell (from the book "artists' hanmade houses"

my love for concrete structures continues


Located just east of the Cape May Point Light House in what is now Cape May Point State Park, the bunker was built by the US Army Corps of Engineers during the early months of the Second World War.

It contained heavy artillery and was manned by a rotating detail of naval gunnery crews, who spent hours on end scanning the horizon for enemy surface ships and submarines. (In fact, a German U-Boat commander surrendered his vessel just off the coast of Cape May at the end of World War Two)

This bunker was part of a coastal defense system during World War II. In front of this bunker were 6" turrets and 155MM guns. The bunker was originally 900 feet inland. Coastal erosion had taken it's toll on the beach.

This bunker is located above the pacific ocean at a part of the coast called "devil's slide" few miles south of San Francisco. I want to thanks Kevin L. for sending me this tip, this is truly an amazing location. I had the chance to go there and take some pictures, I can tell that the name "devil's slide" is perfectly appropriate!

There are 2 sets of bunkers in pretty much the same location, the lone bunker to the south, built originally on a thick pillar of sandstone. The stone has eroded so much that the building hangs over it on all sides. And some more to the north.

The following description from the United States Army Corps of Engineers website refers to those constructions (the one to the north) : "Prior to 01 July 1940, the War Department acquired 9.61 ... acres for a triangulation station and observation site. Devil's Slide was one of a series of observation posts during pre-radar days and was a part of the Harbor Defense of San Francisco. Military personnel would use binoculars and compasses to search for ships at sea and relay the position ... using information received from other observation posts. Improvements to the site began in 1943, and included three observation pill-boxes, one electric generator bunker, one communications and command bunker, and an observation tower."

The south bunker.

I THINK I WANT TO RUN A SHOP LIKE THIS via: hand-made-love.blogspot.com

After StoreAfter StoreAfter StoreAfter StoreAfter StoreAfter StoreAfter StoreAfter StoreAfter StoreAfter Store Sorry for the onslaught of images. Oops! But isn't this store super cool?! I love it and it's one of my favourite go-to shops in Melbourne. Located just opposite the Queen Victoria Market, After Store is one of those shops you need to go into when you're here in Melbourne. From brightly coloured Day of the dead skulls, to felted veggies, plastic chickens and wooly socks, After is just such an interesting place, you'll need to pop by to experience it yourself!After StoreAfter StoreAfter StoreAfter Store After Store


  Watertower by artist Tom Fruin. Using locally sourced steel and plexiglass from places like BuildItGreen! and old sign shops, Fruin has created an incredible monument to the city of Brooklyn. The tower is lit by the sun during the day, but you can also admire the tower at night when programmed light sequences glow from within. The tower is located on the rooftop of 20 Jay Street; according to the press release, the prime viewing locations are the Brooklyn Bridge Park at Washington Street and the Manhattan Bridge bike path.

Below is a summary of this week’s highlights:

ive wanted a tattoo for a while now but its costly and i am very impulsive and most of the designss are like i look back on a few weeks later an am horrified. this site is my cure! my lil sis bought me some for christmas and i loveeeeeeeed them


ticking off things on lists feels great! i made a long list of winter crafty projects an ive been ticking them off too.. made these dreamcatchers on a chronically hungover monday.

 see more of my life and loves by following me on instagram! http://followgram.me/emilyroseynosey/rss
LOVVVING!! LISA CONGDOMs type!more here: http://lisacongdon.com/blog

how do i stop worrying slash caring about mean horrible people that act nice to you but then say horrible things or betray you to others??