dreamt of this.

not that easy to go back to how it was.

i just moved into a sick new ghetto in the city. i have the internet an a big fat desk so i can do lots more PROJECTS YAYYAYYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYYAYAYA

thorson love

my canberra friend Amanda featured me on her blog hahah- much to my suprise. she is the best photographer an i like that she is gettin so succesful an love seein her pop up at friends weddings an then i get to savor the delightful photos after reliving the dayyyyy! the best thing bout mandy is she always laughs at me an knows im a camera whore ..so i never feel like a weirdoooooooooo

Thorson Photography

“Amanda do you like my dress?” asked Emily. “Yes, I like you polkadots” I replied.

“I bought the most beautiful dress to wear today, it’s white and I got especially for today…but when my friend came to pick me up she said ‘you can’t wear white to a wedding!’. I didn’t think that tradition was still around…but of course I had to change. So I put on this dress I got from the op shop…I think it makes me look like pretty women.”

Emily was at Jeremy & Natalie’s wedding in February, check out her blog!