l every monday i have been nannying my lil co0usin will. it is such an enjoyable day he is such a good sweet natured boy..i always come home feeling satisfied and loved. i have been looking after kids since i was 7 and think ill make a sick mum. these are some pics from a walk down to tambourine bay... little spots like this make me remember why i moved to sydney there are some really nice spots and i always feel like there is so much history in these older suburbs... even tho they are full of rich snobs now its so nice to get out of the hustle an bustle of the inner west sometimes...
a n o a few weekends ago i went to the love lace exhibition at the powerhouse. it was soooooo good!!! i hadnt been interested as i thought why would i go and look at lace.. lace it seems is everywhere at the moment i feel like ive seen it all. but this exhibition featured twists on the traditional form of lace in all different materials from 134 artists around the world.
The exhibition ranged from large-scale installations and sculptures to intricate textiles and jewellery. anyway it was really good an the whole time i was like aw man lukey would love this :(
last night i finally finished watching russian dolls a movie ive been enjoying (but passing out in) for the past few nights. I usually get so bored in movies but theres something about french films.. visual collages, dream scenes and candy colors! an the language is so cute plus you really have to concentrate with subtitles. anyway i recommend it... it wafts on a bit but its about an aimless emotional wreck awkwardly juggling lovers and friends..finding love and staying with one person.. so of course its gonna wander. anyway i enjoyed it cos it reminded me that noones perfect and your always gonna have to work on relationships.. you choose someone with a spark and you love them and dont think about the past or the future.. well thats my philosophy on love an it hasnt worked for me yet.. but i know it will.
Last night i dreamt everyone on earth were wearing giant white burquas that engulfed their body an draped all over the ground so that all you could see was a huge white sheet. But they had no eye slits only i did and as i looked around all i could see was white. pure white cool and peaceful. a big white sheet sea. it was lovely and i felt calm.