shelving as room divider. a "szokásos" térelválasztó polc ötlet.
the circle on the wall is actually a conical asian hat. i like the use of wood in the bathroom.
a "pötty" a falon valójában egy ázsiai kalap... tetszik a sok fa a fürdőszobában.
the door is covered with birch bark. it's nice!
tetszik, hogy az ajtó igazi nyírfahánccsal van borítva.
the building that's hiding down there is the main house.
ott lent az a főépület.
main house kitchen with a view. konyha kilátással (főépület).
main house dining area... big rocks inside as well as outside.
étkező (főépület)... sziklák kint és bent.
what used to be home/studio to american modern designer russel wright
(he called the estate manitoga), is now the russel wright design center.
it's in garrison, ny, and you can even visit it for a house tour.
it's actually composed of two buildings... the upper one being the studio
with the lower, bigger one being the main house.
photos of the studio scanned by me from the april 2012 issue of
the world of interiors. photography by simon upton.
last two pics via dwell (from the book "artists' hanmade houses"
and discovering art.