humour and ART

the way we perceive art is a lot like a joke. art isn the same way as a joke allows us to investigate an idea which is really stupid. such as romance.. red roses.. ugh.. seriously.. pass me a bucket.. hannah raisin has done this well...

what is laughter???

its a build up of tension, i personally use humour to diffuse a situation. not conciously it just happens out of the tension you could cut with a knife.. this happened to me in year 8 when i got a detention for laughing at LORD OF THE FLIES when piggy got hit in the head with a boulder an died. the teacher was horrified at me laughing at someones expense.

i think this is why i find andy warhol soo intriguing and others that are deadpan and ambivelant.. its cos i never know if they are being serious or not... a quality i find so attractive. maybe because deep down i know they are joking and it breaks the tension between us??

sometimes something funny is comedic because it takes a subject and milks it for all its worth till its so over done and taken too far you have to laugh at the ridicule..

anyway just as matisses "joy of life" painting suggests. life should be full of simplicity and untainted.. laugh when tension rises to diffuse situations.. no one likes a stresshead drama queen

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